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The following is the 1922 Supplement by Clara Avery that corrects the original assertion that William Averill of Ipswich came from Ket, England.  Individuals not in the possession of the supplement still quote the Kent ancestry as factual.  Subsequent investigations by Clara and others have proven this to be incorrect.  With the advent of DNA research the relationship of the Kent and Oxford Averills may be determined in the future.  The Averill descendants in New Zealand and Chile may shed some light on our English ancestors.

We are providing the following source documents to prevent future confusion.  As long time researchers we know you often find information, but the actual source is never provided.  This is a joint project in an attempt to discover our roots without duplicating efforts.  We encourage you to provide any additional discoveries of source information you may have found. 

What you will find below hyperlinked are original handwritten, and or transcribed wills,  inventories, or burial information.  We are entering them over Clara's original Supplement to show her research, as well as new items more recently located.  Items in pink we have added for clarification.  The items are from originals by the Chipping Norton Historical Society and Misses Meads with permission by Vicar Rev. T. A. Wharton in September 1982.  They are parish register records for birth, death, and marriages.  All items are public records.  They can be found at the Family History Center in Salt Lake City, Utah on microfiche - 2008, or in the public records in England. 

To further prove and credit Clara Avery for all her years of dedication to the family her obituary is provided from "Memoirs of Deceased Members of the New England Historic Genealogical Society" pg 367 1937.

The links below also provide additional supporting materials not included in her 1922 supplement: copies of the original documents, paraphrased abstracts, or complete transcriptions.

for insertion in the

“Averell – Averill – Avery Family” 

            The compiler of this genealogy (Clara) is glad to announce the discovery of the marriage record of William Averell, or  “Avery” (of Ipswich, Mass., in Marc, 1637) and Abigail “Hynton” (Hinton), at Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, England, Nov. 26, 1618; also of the baptismal records in the same place of their six children. In 1634 William Averell was Bailiff of Chipping Norton, a position of some importance at that time, which was shortly before his migration to America. This gratifying information was sent from London, Eng., Dec. 30, 1921, and received in this country Jan., 1922. The results of the search which brought this to light are given herewith to the family.

            As the previous search – made by a well known antiquarian of America – had failed to give the marriage records of William Averell and his wife Abigail (though it had yielded extensive Averell-Averill-Avery data), the compiler being in London the fall of 1913, when our genealogy was in press, decided to have some experienced English antiquarians and record agents look further for the marriage record of the said William and Abigail. This quest was then put in the hands of Phillimore & Co., Ltd., of London, Eng.; and their representative Mr. Thomas M. Blagg, made the search with gratifying success – though interrupted for a long time by the Great War.

            It will be noticed that the conclusion of our previous – though long experienced – American genealogist was at fault in thinking our William was the son of Nicholas and Dorcas Averill of Ashe, Kent (see pp. 51-52). Also the one clue which would have led him to the discovery of William’s lineage was by some chance not used – the nuncupative will of Phillipp Averell of Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire (see p. 28), in which mention is made of our William, and which he gave with other data. There were not only many Averells, or “Averys,” in Oxfordshire at this time, but the adjoining county of Worcestershire had at Broadway may Averells or Averills who were also called Avery (see p. 32). That line has traditions (?) of a William Averill 1505, and other Averills in 1545 and 1566, preceding the earliest date of record in our now established line, which is 1577. Those may prove a clue for further research.

Clara A. Avery

46 Cedar St., Chicago, Ill.

December 1922.


Oxfordshire Records


 Averell (Averie) Wills and Administration in the Consistory and Archdeaconry Courts of Oxford.


Averell             (Averie)           John, Chipping Norton, A. 10 Mar. 1577

                                                            Ser. I; Vol 8, p. 524

Averell             (Averie)           Richard, Chipping Norton, A. 16 May 1584

                                                            Ser. I; Vol. 10, p. 193

Abstract of Richard Averell's Will provided below.

Averell             (Averie)           James, Chipping Norton, C. 12 April 1602

                                                            Ser. I; Vol 14, p. 191

Will of James Averell is in two pages.  James Averill pg 1  James Averell pg 2

Averell             (Averie)           Edward, Chipping Norton, C. 23 Sept. 1617

                                                            Ser. II; Vol. 2, p. 371

Averell             (Averie)           Judith, wid. Chipping Norton, C. 20 Feb. 1618

                                                            Ser. II; Vol 2, p. 417

Will of Judith Averell is in four pages.  Judith Averell pg 1, Judith Averell pg 2, Judith Averell pg 3 Judith Averell pg 4 or PDF of pages1-4

Averell             (Averie)           Phillip, bach. Chipping Norton, C.W. 1627

                                                                                                Inv. 15 Dec. 1627

                                                                                           19 Jan. 1627  A. B. A 156

                                                                                                Inv. 7 Oct. 1628

                                                                     Conwayner, 16 Ap. 1629, A.B.A. p. 166

Abstract of Philip Averell's noncupative Will provided below.

Averell             (Averie)           Thomas, Chipping Norton, A. W. Inv. 5 Aug. 1639

                                                            Ser. II; Vol. 8, p. 269


[No further entries after 1639]

            Extracts of the name Avery or Averell from the Chipping Norton (Oxon) Registers; Parish Church of St. Mary.



1619, Oct. 17. Abigail Averell dau, of William Averell

1621, Oct. 14. Mary Averell dau of William Averell

1623, Sep. 28, Hanna Averell dau. Of William Averell

1625,  June 26, William Averill son of William Averil

1630, Jan 7, Thomas Averill, son of William Averill

1632, (?) 11, John the son of William & Abigail Avoroll Abigaile Averell



1602, May 6, Kellam Averye & Ales Prettie

1618, Nov. 26, William Averell & Abigail Hynton



1618, Dec. 10, Edith Averill This is believed an error in transcription and is Judith Averill wife of Edward and corresponds to the above four page will of Judith Averell. 


            Visitations of Oxford 1634. Harl Soc’y Vol. 5.

            Among the Bailiffs of Chipping Norton is given the name of William Averell, 1634.


Transcription of the Will of John Averie 1577 (PDF) handwritten Will seen above



            Abstract of the Will of John Averie of Chipping Norton, co. Oxford, dated 25 April 1577.

To be buried in the church of Chipping Norton. To the church Xs. To the poor of the town XXs.

To son Walter Averye (household utensils etc.) (See p. 31)

To John Trevis a feather bed etc.

To Mathew Trevis Xiijs iiijd

William Trevis, Mathewe Trevis’ son Xijd and all his children Xijd a piece.

To every one of John Trevis’ children Xijd a piece

To William Trevis Xjs Xijd

To Philip Avery, Richard Averye and Edward Avery my borhter William’s sons XXs a piece

To Katherine Newman XXs

To my brother William Averie Vjs

To my sister Annes Crosley 40s

To Katherine Trevace my wife’s black fryes (?)

Residue to George Averye my son (executor)

Overseers: Michael Chadwell, Edward Wallford, William Avery, & Thomas Newman & William Trevis

Witnesses: Michael Chadwell, Edward Walford & Thomas Newman.


Proved 10 March 1577-8 Archd. Oxford. Ser I; Vol. 8, p. 514.



            Abstract of the Will of Richard Averell of Chipping Norton, co. Oxford, dated 28 February 26 Eliz. (1583)

To be buried in the church yard of Chipping Norton

My goods to my wife to bring up my children,

Wife, executrix.

Witnesses John Lancaster, clerk. John Lewes & ors.


Proved 15 May 1584 by executrix, and commission issued to John Shaw.

                        Archd. Oxford. Series I. Vol 10, f. 193.


Transcription of the Will of Edward Avery 1617 (PDF) hand written Will seen above

Transcription of the Inventory of Edward Avery 1617 (PDF)



            Abstract of the Will of Edwad Averie of Chipping Norton, co. Oxford, dated 28 April 1617.

In the name of God, Amen, the eight and twentieth day of Aprill 1617, I Edward Averie of Chippingnorton in the Countie of Oxon weake in bodie but stronge in minde and of good and p(er)fect memorie thankes be to god doe – make this my last will and testament – I doe willinglie and with a free hart render and give againe into the hands of my Lord god and creator  my spirit w(hi)ch he of his fatherlie goodnesse gave unto me making me a lyvinge and reasonable creature nothinge doubting but that for his infinite mercies sett forth in the p(re)cious bloude of his derely beloved sonne – our onlie savior and redeemer he will receave my soule into his gorie and place it in the companie of the heavenlie Angells and blessed Saints – I give to John Averie my sonne one platter, to Willia(m) Averie my sonne one platter. To Thomas my sonne one platter. To Samuell my sonne one platter, to Edward my sonne mone platter. And to Margarett my daughter one platter. All the rest of my goods & chattels moveables and unmoveables my detts paid, my funeral discharged and my legacies herein bequeathed satisfied I give to Judith my wyffe whome I make my executor and I appoint my loving brother-in-lawe Richard Berrie and Thomas Hiat my overseers.

Witnesses: Richard Berrie, Thomas Hiat, Richard Heidon.


Proved XXV September 1517

                                    Consistory of Oxford, Series II, Vol. I*I, f. 371-2.



Transcription of the Will of Judtih Averell 1618 (PDF) four page handwritten Will seen above. 

Transcription of the Inventory of Judith Averell 1618 (PDF)


            Abstract of the Will of Judith Averell of Chipping Norton co. Oxford, widow, dated 20 October 1618.

To be buried in the churchyard of Chipping Norton

To my eldest (son) John Averell V ₤i

To Thomas Averell my son V ₤i

To Samuel Averell my son V ₤i

Which sums of money I appoint my son Edward Averell to pay to them their portion and for consideration hereof I do give him my house with appurtenances that John Coxe late dwelt in to him his heirs and assigns for ever, their portions to be paid within a year if my son be then 20 years of age or else when my son Edward is XX if I be not then alive. I give my son John more “the bedsteed w(hi)ch is in the house – w(i)th a Flocke bed and a Flock boulster, a fether boulster & pair of hempen sheets, a cov(er)let, a little brasse potte, a posnet of potte brasse, a platter, and a porringer.” I give to Thomas my son “more a platter, a pottenger, two silver spoones, a little kettell & a posnet” I give more to Samuel my son “the bedsteed in the shope chamber and the second best bee bedsteed standing in the chamber over the p(ar)lour and the worst fether bed, a fether boulster, a flocke boulster, the best cov(er)let, two paire of sheetes, my second best brasse potte, my second best kettle, a posnet of pott brasse 2 silv(er) spoones 2 platters the table board I bought of Will(ia) Higgons, a little kettle, three of the biggest coffers in the chamber ov(er) the p(ar)lor, a pewter candle sticke, the licor panne that his father used, three table napkins 2 joined stooles, the best cubboarde in the hall.” To Edward my son “two bedsteeds in the chamber ov(er) the p(ar)lor, the best and third chest in the p(ar)lor and the coffer that was his father(s), the best Flockebed, a Flock bolster, a fether colster, 2 paire of sheets, the second best coverlet, the third brasse pot, the thirde brass kettell, a posnet of potte brasse, a little kettle and a little candle stick, 2 platters, 2 silver spoones, the table board in the shoppe chamber, the brasse panne that was Thomas Carrecks, 3 table napkins, 2 joine stooles, the other cubboard in the hall.”

To Margaret my daughter “my greene say Curteins w(i)th the frindge that belongeth to them, the vessel that wee call the Corsell, a gallon kettle and one of the Best silver spoones and the ware that I leave unfould, my best gowne, my best peticoate, my best ap(er)ne, my best kercheffe, my best smocke, my second best gowne”

to Robert Berry my sisters son Vs.

to Thomas Berry his brother Vs.

to Sara theie sister Xs, and “more to Thomas a cracked silver spoon.”

to Alce Russell “a Platter and a brason candlestick.

to my sister Crosbee “a gowne, a petticoat” and to every one of her children Xijd

to my brother Phillippe Averell my husbands best doublet.

to the poor of the town Xs.

The residue of my goods to my son William whom I make executor.

Thomas Hiatt, Richard Berrye overseers & give them iijs iiijd a piece.

Samuel my son and Edward my son shall have S quarrters of malt that is  at Wm. Slatters to be divided equally.

To Samuel my son his fathers vest cloak and to Edd. His other coat or jacket.

I give to each of them a “Dowghe Kever”

to Edward Averell my son a “Hobbert”

Judith Averell (her mark)

Witnesses, Richard Berry, Thomas Hiat, ---- Leidon, John Timson.


Proved 20 February 1618.

                                                Consistory of Oxford, Series II, Vol. II. P. 417


Transcription of the Will of James Averell, Shoemaker 1602 (PDF) two page handwritten Will seen above.


            Abstract of the Will of James Averell of Chipping Norton co. Oxford shoemaker dated 24 November 1601.

my father Thomas Averell shall have the use of my goods in his possession paying all my debts &c.

father, Thomas (executor) shall beston the remainder amongst his younger children my brothers & sisters.

Witnesses, Thomas Hyat, Henry Baylie.


Proved 12 April 1602.

                                                Consistory of Oxford. Series I, Vol. 14. P. 191



            Nuncupative Will of Philip Averell of Chipping Norton co. Oxford.

that in the year 1627 Phillipp Averell of Chippingnorton Oxford being moved to make his last Will & Testament nocupatitive..said his mind and will was that his cousin [nephew] William Averell should have all his goods &c and also that he had given him a special charge to pay the debts of him the said Phillip Averell and to dispose the rest of his goods amongst the kinsfolk of the said William Averell.

Titnesses John Norgrove, Samuel Averell, Isavell Newman, Laurens Ellmest (?)


21 February 1628 Commission to William Averell

“nepote d fratre” of the said deceased.         

                                                                                    P.C.C. 10 Ridley.



This ends the 1922 Clara Avery Supplement


From records of Oxfordshire Family History Society – Chipping Norton Parish Registers obtained at the Family History Center in Salt Lake City, UT on microfiche - 2008


Chipping Norton is a market town some 19 miles North West of Oxford, and its Registers are complete from 1563, with a gap from 1649 to 1653. The first books appear to be copied from an original Register, up to 1600, and a note in the Marriage Register after a 1649 entry suggests that the rest of that book is a 1795 copy from two old Registers of 1652 to 1750 and 1689 to 1744. Baptisms and Burials are so fade and damp-stained until about 1590 that many entries are illegible even with ultra-violet, and this is also the case with Burial entries of 1639 to 1644.

            There are notes about Benefactions and Grants of Pews after the Baptisms for 1774, and about Church Seating after Burials of 1786-7


Baptisms 1563 – 1883

Marriages 1560 – 1898

Burials 1560 – 1876

With the gaps 1649 to mid 1653


Records transcribed by members of the Chipping Norton History Society and by the Misses Meades who have typed the whole. Use was made of an anonymous MS (manuscript) of c. 1790 in the Church safe, and of the Phillimore Marriages, both of which required amendment when checked with the original. They record their appreciation of the permission of the Vicar, Rev. T. A. Wharton, for them to hold the volumes while being transcribed.

10 West St., Chipping Norton September 1982


Items in pink are once again for clarification to the attached items or will indicated new items more recently located. 



1564, Sept 11 Ane daughter of William Averell

1575, Aug 2 William Averell, son of John

1577, July 27 Averell John, Chipping Norton.  Corresponds to above mentioned Will for John Averell 10 March 1577

1586, May 21 Averell Ane wyff Rydhard also seen Rychard

1589, Oct 1 Averell Annes Date is Oct 1, 1590 in the attached record

1601, Nov. 28 Averie James

1617, May 7 Averell Edward also seen as Avrell

1618, Dec 10 Averell Edeth This is believed an error in transcription as is Judith Averill wife of Edward.

1627, Nov 8 Avrell Phillip Corresponds to above mentioned Will of Phillip Averell not yet available, but abstract of his Nuncupative Will is seen above.  

1628, Nov 18 Thomas Averell, Chipping Norton.  Corresponds to above mentioned will for Thomas Averell not yet available.  Note this is on the same record page as the above mentioned Phillip Avrell. 

1629 Apr 20 Avrell Alice. Widdowe



1566, Aug 18 William Treavus & Anne Orpwood

1593, June 25 Wm Travis & Elizabeth Baker

1593, Oct 27 Daynell Treavis &  Elizabeth (?)

1602, May 6, Kellam Averye & Ales Prettie

1606, Nov 23 Thomas Averie & Marie Gilbert

1618, Nov. 26, William Averell & Abigail Hynton




Children of Thomas Averell:

 Kellum Averell 27 June 1575


Ann Averell 14 October 1577

Catherine Averell 11 April 1580 also seen as Cateren

Jeane Averell 14 August 1580 also seen as Joane or Joan shown on same page as Cateren

Elizabeth Averell December 1585 also seen as Elsabethe

Ane Averell 05 April 1588

John Averell 23 April 1590 on same page as Thomas Averell

Thomas Averell 23 January 1591 on same page as John seen above

William Averell 13 May 1592

Marie Averell 27 May 1593

Henrye son of Thomas Avrill 15 April 1611


Children of Edward


John Avery December 1584 seen as Averi

Jane 27 December 1585 seen on same record as cousin Elsebethe

Margaret Avery 09 February 1586 seen on same record as cousin Elsebethe

William Avery 09 January 1588

Note a 6 year gap

Richard Avery 11 May 1595 seen on same record as cousin Marie

Samuel Avery 25 September 1596

Samuel Averie 8 May 1858

Edward Avery 11 November 1599



Children of William:

Abigail Averell 17 October 1619

Mary Averell 14 October 1621


Hannah Averell 28 September 1623

William Averell 26 June 1625


Sarah Averell 16 March 1627 also seen as Sara


Thomas Averell 07 January 1629

John Averell 11 October 1632 listed as son of William and Abigaile Averell


Children of Rychard Averell:

Elizabeth 5 October 1580 seen on same record as cousin Cateren


Children of John Averell:

Sara 19 Sept 1585 seen on same record as cousin John son of Edward


Children of various Averill/Averell/Avery:

Richard son of Avery 1581

Frances daughter of Averell 17 June 1588 seen on same record as Ane daughter of Thomas

Edward son of Averell 14 Sept 1592 seen on same record as William son of Thomas



Bicester, Oxfordshire, England

Abigaill Hynton October 5, 1595


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